RIP Maggi?

Few days ago, I was having a bowl of Maggi which was of course utterly tasty. The very next day came the surprising news of the recalling of Maggi noodles after sampling in Uttar Pradesh. Since that day, I haven't ate that blissful curly noodles(though it stays in my mind most of the time). I know there are a lot of Maggi fans out there. And why one should not be? It is tasty,quick and enough for a hungry stomach. Maggi is a masterpiece according to me. It has everything which can make somebody go gaga and it also brings out the experimental chef out of you. I remember falling in love with this instant noodles from a very early age and gobbling it down every evening. I never ever missed to take part in the PR stunts of Maggi. Only a true Maggi fan knows the pain and disgust of sharing even a spoonful of it with others. Accept it or not, we Maggi fans always have Maggi behind closed doors or secretly because nobody wants to share Maggi. Right? Maggi advertisements are so so...