Harry Potter: Film vs Reality
I was looking for a topic to write my next blog when an old friend suggested me to write on the world famous Harry Potter. I usually mock people and things in my blog and I was in quandary that how to ridicule one of my favorite films and author. So, once I made my brain work, I wondered how much the components of the film\novel Harry Potter is relevant in real. Well, so here's a muggle pointing out few of the things from the film which looked good in the film but will not be so good in the reality. In the movie, an individual female with magic abilities is called a witch and these witches are beautiful and talented. Now, think about calling a girl "witch" in reality. We traditionally connect ugliness,wickedness with the term witch in reality so don't you dare calling a girl witch if you don't want her to give you a piece of her mind. How they see witch in the film How we see witch in reality Now comes moving stairs or the gran...