Surviving the 20’s(ideal for people in their teens too!)
Growing up is a vital time in our life; especially the 20’s. While some of you are wasting it drastically by making all the wrong moves, some of you are making your way to the sunshine. And if you are reading this right now, then hopefully you will join the ones who are reaching out to all the good things in their life. Yes literally, by the virtue of her experience, your 20 something blogger can really give you some pearls of wisdom for you to change your life a bit. Okay, first things first, INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND, LOOK FOR A JOB . I know most of you out there aspire to achieve a hanging asset with you to the movie halls, parks, restaurants etc. but trust me, spending your 20’s shaping you career can be more fruitful and useful to you. I hope later on you don’t want to see your girlfriend on somebody else’s arms just because you are unemployed. Sob sob! “Honesty is the best policy”. Uh, well, sometimes but not every time. If you want to s...