Surviving the 20’s(ideal for people in their teens too!)

Growing up is a vital time in our life; especially the 20’s. While some of you are wasting it drastically by making all the wrong moves, some of you are making your way to the sunshine. And if you are reading this right now, then hopefully you will join the ones who are reaching out to all the good things in their life. Yes literally, by the virtue of her experience, your 20 something blogger can really give you some pearls of wisdom for you to change your life a bit.

Okay, first things first, INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND, LOOK FOR A JOB. I know most of you out there aspire to achieve a hanging asset with you to the movie halls, parks, restaurants etc. but trust me, spending your 20’s shaping you career can be more fruitful and useful to you. I hope later on you don’t want to see your girlfriend on somebody else’s arms just because you are unemployed. Sob sob!

“Honesty is the best policy”. Uh, well, sometimes but not every time. If you want to survive your 20’s peacefully then there are two things to keep in mind, first don’t go overboard with your “I am always so honest that I have no issue to say that you are ugly or I don’t like you” and second, always remember to fake a smile even if the one you are smiling at is the one whom you want to shoot from point blank range.

You believe in Karma? Well, whether you believe it or not but the things you do now, adds up to your future. Therefore, I suggest that you buckle up and start doing good to others so that karma only has good things to offer you when the time comes. So even if you thought of giving that stupid boy or girl a punch on his/her face, skip that. They will eventually get punched…or I should say "kicked" by Karma.

It is a rule of thumb of life that even if you are the luckiest person in this universe, still you can’t achieve everything you wish for. So, if you really-really wanted something and ended up not getting that, then chill. Always remember, some of the people out there don’t even have the things which you have. Let your brain think and you will get my point.

Read. Read. Read. Your knowledge is going to take you everywhere and beyond everyone. Most of you people out there don’t even have the slightest idea that what is it to have a hell lot of knowledge and how it can turn your luck into something very exciting. That is the sole reason that most of you people spend most of your time in Whatsapp and Facebook and not reading useful stuffs.

Now this is really important. Brush up your English because that is going to decide how people will see you. I have seen people dressing up smartly as if they are the top scholars or something but when they open their mouth, that’s when I feel as if the whole universe around me is laughing out loud (though I strictly keep a straight face and behave as if they have spoken nothing wrong). Note this.

And lastly, if you have a plan or timetable for the future then congrats, It Won’t Work. Things that you plan for long term purpose never really turn out to be what you thought of, so throw that piece of paper in which you had jotted down your plans. Take a deep breath and let your life make the timetable for you. 

NOTE: Those who want to follow my advice can follow it without giving a second thought because I am living through this and it’s fool proof.
Have a nice teens and 20’s!


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