A Guide to Modern Flight Etiquettes
Airplane tickets are now made affordable. Result? People who thought twice even before checking the airlines’ websites will go get their tickets. Did you know that air travel is an entertaining experience? I see people freezing after they enter the airport, confused about what to do and where to go. So what’s better than a frequent flier like me helping you adjust in the environment without looking like a first-time traveller? Get an internet connection before you leave for the airport Or just connect your phone to the airport WiFi once you step in the airport. This enables you to let people on your social media accounts, especially Facebook, to know that you are travelling—to be precise travelling by "plane". Being at the airport gives you a wealthy feeling after all! Now that leads to point number two, dressing well . All brands, fancy clothes, ironed shirts, best pair of jeans, and the trendiest pair of shoes come out of the wardrobe when travelling by air. You ...