No Menstruation Talks, Please!

Periods. It meant classes which we had in the schools for me till I grew old and came to know that it has another meaning. Yeah right, menstruation. Slowly I learnt from the girls and ladies(girls means the young ones and ladies means the older ones, haha) around that my periods is something which I should not discuss in the public(but anyway am discussing it). Umm, actually for few months am seeing a rapid rise in the number of girls who are speaking about their periods. That's actually good but it's bugging me as well because I smell publicity and men in this. Like uh, can you girls please stop discussing about something which nobody wants to see or discuss about.For instance, why on earth do you have to run a marathon in your periods without using a sanitary napkin or tampons? This lady claimed to have done this so that other women feel proud about their periods rather than hide away in shame. Really? Hide away in shame? Listen, no one hides away. We carry on with our ...