5 Reasons You Should Absolutely Love Your Bed
It is scientifically proven that lack of sleep can cause weight gain of 0.9 kg in under a week. And that explains why I have not put on extra kilos all these years. I am an outright sleep lover who is curled up on the bed most of the times because nothing gives me more peace than the bed and also the facts that... #I can imagine the impossible there Where else can I imagine myself flying like a superhero or shooting the people I hate with a bazooka or fantasizing myself as a witch with magical powers? #I get helluva ideas After shower if there is something which brings out the best of ideas and solutions from inside you then it is the bed. The only way to utilize this if it hasn’t occurred to you yet is to keep away your cell phone while hitting the bed. #It keeps me away from the people bothering me Because when you act as if you are sleeping, nobody disturbs you. Even when they call you or message you, you have the most valid excuse of “I am/was sleeping”. ...