Not Everything is Good About Birthdays!

                                          Click on the video for the message.

13th April, 2015 was the day I got started with my blog. If you still haven’t noticed then let me tell you that my blog has turned one year old today. So it’s officially my blog’s birthday. All that I could do for its birthday was to make a video to thank you people. Speaking of birthday, I am sure that you would agree that there are few of the things about birthdays we actually don’t like. No? 
Okay, let me hammer some of them into your mind.

Close enough expression, eh?
The most overrated thing has to be this. Everybody tries to take a dig into your pocket with a sweet smile for a treat like you own all the money in this world. The pissing factor? When few of them out there who never bothered to talk to you comes running as famine stricken victims asking for free food in the name of the so-called treat.

Barter system

When your friend gifts you something on your birthday then you are automatically obliged to gift him/her something on their birthday even if you are running low on funds or you have to borrow the money from someone.

"Happy Birthday" wishes on Facebook

Accept it! You get happy seeing these no-real-emotion-filled wishes on your Facebook wall when you log in but you get fed up eventually by copy-pasting the “Thank You” thing and stop being thankful in the whole process.

Birthday organizing

Only a person with a small group of friends can understand the pain of extra indulgence. While in a relatively bigger group the responsibility to arrange the birthday elements gets divided, a small group feels the pinch in the pocket while buying short-lived stuffs like cake, balloons, ribbons, confetti, snow spray et al for their friend.

Pictures 360 degree
You would definitely find at least ten people in your friend list who uploads every birthday picture even if it’s out of focus. Every inch, every angle and nothing is spared. Daddy feeding cake? Check! Mommy feeding cake? Check! Birthday girl feeding cake to the pet? Check! Relatives smiling with their kids? Check! Woof! 

Getting older
Nobody likes to get less active or to get wrinkles or to be termed old or to spend their money by visiting doctors or certainly to die. And the birthdays does that exactly. Not so happy and cheerful after all, right?

Now that you are done reading, don't just sit back and smile but let others read this too by sharing it.


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