My Periods Wish list- I bet you want them too!

How do you feel when an unwanted guest keeps coming to your place every month to irritate you with its nature and leaving a painful experience for you every time? Doesn’t sound good, right? Yes, that’s what the periods every month does to me and leaves me to lament about it and do nothing at the end. But this time, I have let my mind take over my mood swings given by my periods at the moment and chalk down few of the things I really-really need to make me at least not hate my monthly friend. A sanitary napkin that lasts all day long without compromising the hygiene Yes, of course…why not? I would pay extra if some company comes up with this as long as it spares me visiting the washroom ten times a day just to change. And seriously, if this really comes true then half of the girls worried about their periods would stop complaining. How wonderful is that! An app that notifies us about leaking It is sometimes annoying how the apps I have i...