How NOT to React to India-Pakistan Conflict

It’s been more than two weeks since the Pulwama attack in J&K. I haven’t publicly commented on the whole incidence and its aftermath, although technically, as a Journalist, I should. But then I saw innumerable expert comments already displayed on my Facebook feed.

Surprisingly, even people on my friend list who I thought can only make Tik Tok videos and share memes are also actively posting and sharing whatever anti-Pakistan posts they can find.

So, do we need social media soldiers? Well...

According to my very recent observation, for every 50 stupid people, there is one smart person on Facebook. This one smart person understands that posting about the need to declare war is not going to help anyone. This person also knows that NO ONE from their family is going to fight in the war zone, so he/she shouldn’t encourage the idea of war as someone else might die. 

In brief- Are you going to join the fight physically? No?! Then quit Facebook and go get a life.

Do not share
Congratulations! It seems like you are reading the news more often nowadays. But do we really need you to share the same online? I mean we all have legit Wi-Fi connections and there are already plenty of news sources that are bombing us with news every second. So if you thought we haven't read it, we did already and you don't need to hit the "share" button. Also, since most of the media houses have mastered the art of fake news, it's better not to share anything and everything that you find out there. 

Discard temporary spirit
Very sure, after a month or two, you won’t even bother about what happened and will be happily back to posing, meme-ing and posting food pictures. If you are not thinking about your country 24*7 then stop being patriotic suddenly for a few days just like we all do on the 26th of January and 15th of August. 

Limit your “expert” inputs
Let’s get it straight. If you are not a celebrity or funny, the views that you are putting on social media doesn’t count, and definitely doesn’t necessarily make you look more intelligent or well-versed.  Of course, your personal views matter but I hope you know that nobody is interviewing you on Facebook.

CONCLUSION: Use your rare gift of common sense and before posting anything on Facebook (probably during your adrenaline rush), ask yourself, is it necessary?


  1. And you made the damn point. Thanks for sharing this, hopefully everyone reads this and understand :)

  2. You wrote each and every word which I was having inside my mind!


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