A blogger's guide to Do's and Don'ts this New Year
So it's just few hours left for us to enter in a brand new year. While most of you have made your plans for this 31st night, some(like me) are still confused about what to do. Umm, but I can surely tell you how to and how not to celebrate your new year. Do -Party It is quite obvious that most of you are going to party whole night or so. But I am sure that there are some out there who are not partying due to various reasons like, no friends,no party space or super strict parents etc. But I'll tell you what, partying does not require any of the mentioned reasons. You can party in your room too and you can definitely party all alone or with just few people. All you need is some music, good food or snacks and you are all decked up for your party. Come on, nobody is going to count the elements of your party. A party is a party no matter how small it is. Gotcha? -Make resolutions which you can actually keep It is a tradition for us to make resolutions every ...